International Design Competition
Winning project
Under construction
2022 – ongoing
Milan, Italy
Municipality of Milan
Onsitestudio, baukuh, dotdotdot, (Ab)Normal, SCE project, Starching, Montana Ambiente, STAIN Engineering, Studio Mistretta, Atmos Lab
YO design team:
competition phase: Francesca Benedetto, Carolina Sartori, Cristiana Smorto, Nicola Canepa (agronomist, consultant)
submission PFTE: Francesca Benedetto, Valeria Marcotti, Nicola Canepa (agronomist, consultant)
detailed design: Francesca Benedetto, Silvia Ciacci, Valeria Marcotti, Nicola Canepa (agronomist, consultant) and Alessandro Pasero
construction design: Francesca Benedetto, Silvia Ciacci, Valeria Marcotti, Nicola Canepa (agronomist, consultant) and Luigi Crucianelli
construction management: Francesca Benedetto, Silvia Ciacci, Valeria Marcotti, Nicola Canepa (agronomist, consultant)
14.000 m²
The new library is inserted in a sequence of green and urban spaces, which includes the Parco di Porta Vittoria, Piazza Beic, a new tree-lined square located the north of the competition area and in correspondence with the main access to the library, a shared space on via Cervignano and a water garden that frames the western exit of the Passante Ferroviario and connects the project area with the Parco 8 Marzo.
These elements are part of a larger system of water networks of traces of the ancient agricultural use of the territory. The landscape project aims to create a new centrality capable of connecting and reactivating these networks, now fragmented and often illegible. The external arrangements project includes four main interventions: the Tree-lined Piazza, the Shared Space, the Water Garden, and the Perimeter Spaces.
Among these interventions, the main one is the new tree-lined Square to the north of the library, defined by a regular planting of elm trees (Ulmus ‘Sapporo Autumn Gold’), which uniformly punctuate and organize this ample breathing space for the city and the library: the elm trees alternate with street lamps that illuminate the Square following a checkerboard pattern.
This arrangement, an urban and contemporary stylization of the plain forest (the original forest that covered the Po Valley), produces a homogeneous condition that extends over the entire surface of the lot not occupied by the building.
The project promotes continuous passage without interruptions in height between the Square and the Park; therefore, Via Cervignano is absorbed by the overall design of a single, large “carpet” from which the new building, the lifts from the underground station, and the trees will emerge.
images, from top to bottom:
1. Green and water system
2. Plan, 1:1000
3. Plan, 1:250
4. Diurnal view from the north side
5. View from Parco 8 Marzo
6. View from the east side
7. View of the terraces
8. Nocturnal view from the north side
realistic visualization:
Filippo Bolognese Images, Onirism